Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do ideas come from?

Anything can provoke an idea. It is part of the way our brain functions, the ideas may not always make sense or be productive but they are manufactured. How people think of the littlest things and expand them shocks me. Fire may not be an invention but people using it to cook, and use as a source of heat is a brilliant idea. What raised this idea? Was it a mistake or an experiment? The thought of the world ending is another mystery itself. Is there scientific evidence to prove this fact or is it a myth? Thinking outside the box, an expression often used by teachers is what sparks that little part of your brain that thinks. Theories are basically ideas that are thoroughly researched, but how those ideas develop and how the person who came up with the idea make most of them is beyond me. I think ideas come out of nowhere and everywhere. It is impossible to stop thinking and where that thinking takes you depends on the way you think.

Picture: http://www.corbisimages.com/Enlargement/Enlargement.aspx?id=RZ001661&tab=details&caller=search

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favourite Short Story From This Unit

"Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl wins in my case. I loved the suspense and how the author chooses carefully what the character does now and what his or her reaction is. I found it interesting how Mary Maloney starts of being calm and collected but when Patrick Maloney breaks the news to her she cracks. The mask she was wearing tears off and she attacks. Maybe this was all planned? Maybe it was reaction on instinct? But I loved how Dahl took us off guard and how the story actually made me think about what would happen? My favorite story no doubt is "Lamb to the Slaughter".
