Monday, October 4, 2010

A Dome Build On Courage.

Courage: the ability to do something in the face of fear, danger and/or disapproval

Brunelleschi had experienced failure before, he knew what it felt like when a patron rejected you but he still presented his ideas. Not only that but he had heard about the many architects who had tried and been forgotten of. Brunelleschi knew deep down that this time he will succeed, he took the courage and faced whatever came. In his case it was success and his design had been approved and he had Cosimo to support him. But this wasn’t so easy; he was discouraged and faced lots of hardships, his way of thinking often laughed at. He was ‘crazy’ in the eyes of people, but he didn’t run away from those problems, he faced them and there stood the dome with pride before the eyes of Florentines reminding them of a legend that became.

If Brunelleschi wouldn’t have stepped up, the dome might still have been left incomplete, but he took a stand and his actions and decisions changed the way people thought, they were affected by him, not always in a positive way. This caused a movement, suddenly it was architects or artists like Brunelleschi breaking out of their shell and bringing themselves up to face their city with ideas that shook the world. Brunelleschi’s courage caused many others to face challenges in their way and his courage brought not only success but also confidence, he had been accepted and had to work his hardest to complete the dome. With success came hard work which Brunelleschi brought.

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