Monday, November 1, 2010

How Can Da Vinci Be Characterized As a True Renaissance Man?

Leonardo Da Vinci was a true Renaissance Man because of his many talents some of which were painting, architecting, engineering and researching mathematical concepts. Leonardo was always an artistic man, he observed people and had a notebook in which he used to sketch the littlest things that would catch his eye. From then on people knew he was something else, and this sparked a new era. His career started off with paintings, his talent in that area caused him to be famous among patrons. Once he gained his fame working as a painter his interests shifted to architecture. He spent a year creating a dome for the Milan Cathedral. This caused for him to be famous outside of Florence. Engineering was his next challenge, which he proved to be good at as well. He designed machines that protected Florence from enemies and invented such machines that destroyed towers and fortification. People were impressed and Florence was kept safe. He was one of the first people to cut open a body to study its functions, his mathematical skills seeping through, rising concepts related to mathematics. There are anatomically accurate drawings of parts of the human body. Not only this, but he was also a geometry genius, an example of this is the Vitruvian Man, which is shockingly proportionate and its outer circle exactly 360°. Leonardo Da Vinci was a true Renaissance Man because he was multi talented, he painted, architected, engineered and researched mathematical concepts. He was an overall person who could overcome most challenges that came in his way.