Monday, November 24, 2008


The idea about “Wall of thoughts” is amazing to me I think it helps people express their feelings and give their opinions. As Mr. McQueen said there is no right or wrong answer and i agree with his comment. We were talking about the difference and similarities between early man and K.L while our discussion we came up with different things such as Krithika (my peer) said “I think it was harder for the early humans to use either their resources or solve problems than now because, things are easier to use now cause they are planned before hand” and indeed that was a true statement. In comparison to that Vidya (another peer) said that it is hard for us because these days things are more complicated. Another true statement but my thinking is different. I think that the source of food was somewhat similar because both early men and people of K.L used to eat fruit and vegetables and still do. I commented on use of water and Mr. McQueen said that river water was purified back then but we made it dirty so now it has to actually go through a purification system and I think that is a fact, and this made me think that we modern humans actually are destroying the earth also known as “GLOBAL WARMING”.

Transportation, Government, Communication and Belief Systems to me has taken a big step in making K.L what it is. Transportation because in our list the only thing that is listed in the Early Men Column for transportation is FEET, WALKING AND RUNNING, and for Modern K.L its BICYCLES, TRUCKS, CARS, BIKES, HORSE, CARRIAGE, WALKING, JOGGING, TRAINS, WHEELCHAIRS, CABLE CARS, SKATEBOARDS, ROLLERBLADES, SPEEDBOATS, SAILBOATS, SURFBOARDS, wow amazing isn’t it and as you probably know this is not all. Government because this group started with either a CHIEF OR CLAN which grew out to be what it is today: COURT, JURY, PEOPLE IN CHARGE, MINISTER, PRESIDENT, KING, MAYOR, PLACED RULER VERSUS ELECTED RULER and biggest of all which existed then and now TEAMWORK. Communication because almost every country has a different language but that isn’t all communication is also known as ROAD SIGNS, HAND MOVEMENTS, GESTURES, TALKING, WRITING, READING, INTERNET, BOOKS, MOVIES, VIDEO, LETTERS, EMAIL, BODY LANGUAGE, MIMING (From List) but early humans had a minimum of communication skills as referring to the list CAVE PAINTINGS, HAND GESTURES, SIGN LANGUAGE AND GRUNTS, NOISES. And last but not least Belief Systems to me this has been the biggest change. Every country has a different religion and it’s amazing how my school has 52 different nationalities all go to different to pray some go to churches, temples or mosques. This makes a connection to culture because the culture of your country has different rules and “BELIEF SYSTEMS”. Early Men had a different way of showing their belief systems, as we discussed they had ceremonies in a lot of religions there are still ceremonies but as we figured out they did not have any religion they all were the same but in modern days we have racism and we had segregation. War between 2 or more countries and slavery didn’t exist then.

Now if you compare these 2 categories (Modern K.L and Early Men) Modern K.L has had huge changes over these past years and to me this discussion was as interesting as a mystery ending in one of those Nancy Drew books.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What makes Kuala Lumpur a civilization to me?

Today and yesterday in Humanities class we talked about what aspects make Kuala Lumpur a civilization, my thoughts deepened as we continued, I think COMMUNICATION is a big one because without it you would not be able to make decisions or solve problems, without it you would not be able to make new relationships in this case KL, Malaysia has good friendship with its neighboring country Singapore and Indonesia. The people who are the main source of communication in a country are the GOVERNMENT/ POLITICS. They are the group of people who engage with ambassadors/Presidents etc. from other countries and solve problems together. They have a different way of doing things, like their rules and limitations are way different than America’s or any other countries’. In Malaysia Muslim ladies have clothes that cover them fully at least cover their heads where as American’s can wear anything and have no rules for dressing up that I have heard of. The tourism in not only in KL but all over Malaysia is a great money maker, Malaysians come up with new ways to make change, and this the Government and is a source of economic change (ECONOMY). This is what I think about this civilization.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is Blogging ? According to me...

What does appropriate blogging look like?
~ Appropriate blogging should have suitable postings for all ages and we have to keep in mind that people all around the world can read it. So before posting anything we have to read through what we have written and make sure that it is interesting as well as relevant for our audience.
Who is the audience reading your blog?
~ The audiences who are reading my blog are my teachers, parents and my peer. Two of my friends have commented on my work, and my mother has read my postings as well as my teachers have.
How much information do you want to share with that audience?
~ A limited of information should be shared with your audience because you might think that only your friends, teachers and your parents are reading your blog but people around the world might also be reading it, so it is better if you put basic information like your name etc. but you cannot put your home address and other personal information. Stalkers itself exist on the world wide web and if you give any information that gives those unknown people a chance to stalk you, you should try not to give them such material.

Monday, November 10, 2008






My Thoughts About SPCA

I think fighting for animal rights is a great deal.The SPCA has a very positive attitude towards their goal, which is "The aim of the SPCA is to protect defenseless animals and to alleviate their suffering" (from the SPCA website, Malaysia) . The SPCA not only protects animals but also gives them a roof on their heads. Their funds work really well. They go around KL to make people have a chance to adopt pets. They also go to schools and make students and teachers aware of informing the SPCA, whenever they see animal abuse or any stray animals who are sick and need medication, but for them to do this they need more money. They do this by having fund raisers regularly which turn out to be sucessful. We as students can also contribute in making a difference and helping the animals by fostering and adpoting them. The SPCA has a strict policy that whenever you adpot a pet (this includes in the adoption fee) de-worming, vaccination and compulsory neutering (sterilization) have to be conducted, before you take your pet home. The SPCA will change the world and make it a better place not only for the animals but also for us.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hello, my name is Mitsu. I am a 6th grader. I moved to Malaysia in 2006. This is my first time blogging.You will probably hear Mr. McQueen in my posts a lot because he is my humanities teacher, by the way humanities is Social Studies and Literature combined together. Here is my background information, I have a family of 4 including me, I know 2 languages fluently which are, Hindi (my mother tongue) ,English and 1 which I am learning in school (Spanish). I believe that confidence pays of but over confidence will waste your money.

What I think about the book "CALL IT COURAGE"

When I first started reading Call It Courage, it did not click me like some other books do. The first two chapters had interesting facts about Polynesians and then the story started. As I read through chapter 2 and 3 my understanding grew, and as I finished chapter 4 it grew deeper into me and my perspective changed, even though my favorite genre is Mystery/ Science Fiction this new sort was now one of my selections. The 5th chapter was the one I liked the most and which ended the story on a very good note. As we did the activities based on the book it definitely gave me more understanding. Overall, I liked the book even though I didn’t like before.