Thursday, December 18, 2008


A book without characters is a country without laws, well according to me laws and rules are a characteristic of a normal country, some have more brutal than others. My aim is to answer a question why do civilizations have laws? I think laws are written to protect people from being harmed by others. Without them some people might take advantage and do the wrong things and this would change the condition of both the Economy and the Government of the country. Something else is that these rules give people encouragement to think before doing something wrong, without those people would not consider for the circumstances and do what they desire. A thought that struck me was that laws and rules aren’t only for discipline but also for human rights, i.e. a needy kill’s his wife; he will probably be executed. But if a well of man kill’s his wife he would probably bribe the authorities and they would release him. Without human rights the country would not have a balance of people. Hammurabi’s laws were much intense than the ones today. Observing the codes on the following website (website found by Riley Petty) some of them are as clear as water example; If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out meaning an eye for an eye. And another thing I discovered was woman were treated (and still are in some countries) brutally. Example If a “sister of a god” opens a tavern, or enters a tavern to drink; then this woman shall be burned to death. Harsh isn’t it and in some countries still girls get married when they are 12 or 13, but this is getting illegal in some countries. Another example is child labor and child abuse, in countries such as India and Indonesia (that I know of) it is normal, but a law is going against it in both countries. A question I had was why did Hammurabi have rules based on really specific scenarios? I think that his laws were too harsh and some of them were unfair. That is what I think about this topic… and I really support the idea of laws.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Guns, Germs and Steel" PART 2

QUESTION BY MR. MCQUEEN: "After some years because of the needless use of the resources, plants and fruits Middle East looks like this: In conclusion this world has changed but step by step. “From hunting animals to breeding them and from gathering to farming."You just said the world has changed step by step, but this is just after you mention "after needless use of the resources, the Mid East looks like this...", so are you saying that the world is changing for the better? Or is it changing towards the worse? Please discuss this in your next post.
ANSWER: What I thought was the world was changing for both worse and better. Better because of new inventions and resources which either have instructions with it or are really easy to use (technology), example: day-by-day Japan and other countries are developing and trying out new things which are making life easier. And getting worse because of pollution, which is mostly caused by factories. When things are produced we need people to make them like clothes but now a day’s machines are being invented to do these kinds of things so people are getting poor by the day because of labor. This is what I meant by my conclusion. I hope this explains it.

"Guns, Germs and Steel" (update below)

Today in humanities class we watched a documentary called “Guns, Germs, and Steel”. After watching 45 minutes of it and side by side making notes Mr. McQueen told us to write a heading which summarizes our understanding of the movie. “Did it just take farming to arise a civilization?” was my heading. It was so because the movie focused on food which was one of our categories on our "Wall of thoughts", I wouldn’t say that food isn’t important but some other things are as important to.But the main picture was FARMING which is connected to food. It was amazing how farming just ended up existing without an explanation. Farming in this documentary was really focused on. Farming as said in the movie led to success and achivement for the future meaning now. My thoughts about this activity were that when one country started to develop another took one level higher, like domesticating animals before it was just around the Middle East put then it spread towards India and Arica. Also protein is key for a worker to keep him/her healthy and in working condition but not only workers also children and other people in the community/clan. Talking about domesticating animals the narrator mentioned that vegetarian animals were good for domesticating because [as Mr. McQueen said] if they domesticated carnivores they would need meat to feed them and they themselves did not have enough meat for themselves, he also said that after observing over a thousand vegetarian mammals that weighed over a hundred pounds and found out that only 14 were capable and friendly enough to work with us humans.4 of the best animals were cows, pigs, goats and sheep which don’t harm us। After some years because of the needless use of the resources, plants and fruits Middle East looks like this:

In conclusion this world has changed but step by step. From hunting animals to breeding them and from gathering to farming.


CONNECT- EXTEND- CHALLENGE sounds like one activity right well to tell the truth it was. Our job was to fill out the 3 columns, with our thoughts. Before starting this activity we were put into groups/partners and after we finished filling it we had to discuss it in groups and then with the whole class. I thought that this activity was really different than the activities we have done in humanities, but I have done this kind of activity in grade 4, where we had to fill in 4 columns, in which one would be what you already know, second what you want to know, questions that still fiddle in your mind and what we learned after the entire unit. I also liked the way everyone got the chance to show their understanding and share it with a peer or the class. One thing I struggled with was putting my thoughts together and expressing them in words. In particular I learned that people in my class had some interesting thinking, especially people thought and questioned in the CHALLENGE column, and I hadn’t thought of questions that were mentioned. Overall this was an interesting activity but familiar and challenging.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My thoughts about the movie "Guns, Germs, and Steel"

Today in humanities class we watched a documentary called “Guns, Germs, and Steel”. After watching 45 minutes of it and side by side making notes Mr. McQueen told us to write a heading which summarizes our understanding of the movie. “Did it just take farming to arise a civilization?” was my heading. It was so because the movie focused on food I wouldn’t say that food isn’t important but some other things are as important to. My thoughts about this activity were that when one country started to develop another took one level higher, like domesticating animals before it was just around the Middle East put then it spread towards India and Arica. Also protein is key for a worker to keep him/her healthy and in working condition but not only workers also children and other people in the community/clan. Talking about domesticating animals the narrator mentioned that vegetarian animals were good for domesticating because [as Mr. McQueen said] if they domesticated carnivores they would need meat to feed them and they themselves did not have enough meat for themselves, he also said that after observing over a thousand vegetarian mammals that weighed over a hundred pounds and found out that only 14 were capable and friendly enough to work with us humans.4 of the best animals were cows, pigs, goats and
sheep which don’t harm us. After some years because of the needless use of the resources, plants and fruits Middle East looks like this:
In conclusion this world has changed but step by step. From hunting animals to breeding them and from gathering to farming.