Saturday, April 25, 2009

14 children, is there a limit?

In California a lady named Nadia gave birth to octuplets. She now has a total of 14 children as she had twins and quadruplets before. Nadia doesn't have a job either; her expenses will increase by the year. Is that the right thing to do; is it the SMART thing to do? Having a discussion did show me what others thought but we didn't reach upon a conclusion to the question, how many children should the government allow a couple to have? The statistics show that Nadia will have major problems concerning her children. She might not have enough money to educate them or even feed them. Unless she gets lucky and gets married to a wealthy man or gets a very good job giving her the money she needs. In this case, the children are paying the price; they won't succeed in life and will have many problems. Mothers that give birth to too many children at one single time have health problems and their children might have respiration problems or even death. Health related issues will only make it worse for the children.
The clever thing for her to do is to put some of them for adoption, even though this is hard for a mother to do so, it will make her and the lives of her children easier.
Some families, however, get money from the government, TV shows or charity funds, which help, them educate and feed their children. This helps but they probably have many problems, so should the government put a maximum amount to the children each couple should have or sand the decision will obviously should they just keep helping them by giving them money? The question is yet to be answered, be made by the government.

1 comment:

Anissa said...

I LOVE how you not only write descriptively, but you add enhances the effect, and grabs attention!


from Anissa