Today in humanities class we watched a documentary called “Guns, Germs, and Steel”. After watching 45 minutes of it and side by side making notes Mr. McQueen told us to write a heading which summarizes our understanding of the movie. “Did it just take farming to arise a civilization?” was my heading. It was so because the movie focused on food which was one of our categories on our "Wall of thoughts", I wouldn’t say that food isn’t important but some other things are as important to.But the main picture was FARMING which is connected to food. It was amazing how farming just ended up existing without an explanation. Farming in this documentary was really focused on. Farming as said in the movie led to success and achivement for the future meaning now. My thoughts about this activity were that when one country started to develop another took one level higher, like domesticating animals before it was just around the Middle East put then it spread towards India and Arica. Also protein is key for a worker to keep him/her healthy and in working condition but not only workers also children and other people in the community/clan. Talking about domesticating animals the narrator mentioned that vegetarian animals were good for domesticating because [as Mr. McQueen said] if they domesticated carnivores they would need meat to feed them and they themselves did not have enough meat for themselves, he also said that after observing over a thousand vegetarian mammals that weighed over a hundred pounds and found out that only 14 were capable and friendly enough to work with us humans.4 of the best animals were cows, pigs, goats and sheep which don’t harm us। After some years be
cause of the needless use of the resources, plants and fruits Middle East looks like this: In conclusion this world has changed but step by step. From hunting animals to breeding them and from gathering to farming.
I love your conclusion, and you gave all of the facts. One thing that I would work on is that you seemed to be sumerizing, and we were supposed to refelect. BUT IT WAS REALLY GOOD! GREAT JOB!
Mitsu, great thoughts and summary of the movie.
Looking at your conclusion, I think you can take your thinking a step further.
"After some years because of the needless use of the resources, plants and fruits Middle East looks like this: In conclusion this world has changed but step by step. From hunting animals to breeding them and from gathering to farming."
You just said the world has changed step by step, but this is just after you mention "after needless use of the resources, the Mid East looks like this...", so are you saying that the world is changing for the better? Or is it changing towards the worse? Please discuss this in your next post.
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