The pill filled dream (-)
The Giver, is it actually giving anything away? Well I surely have a doubt. Questions about stirrings and releasing were common in class. And to clarify these doubts we did something called a fishbowl. Together we answered questions,made connections and expanded on others thinking. What is Stirrings? Stirrings as shown in the book is a feeling you have for your opposite gender, which in Jonas' case was Fionna, connecting to real life can be called as puberty or adolescence. Why I think the community gives PILLS for the people to erase stirrings is probably because they don't want you to like someone else when you are assigned a spouse this will cause problems distracting the perfection in the community. Fabian brought up a great point saying that if they start liking somebody they want to make their own decisions and question the community therefore its quite obvious that because they have what a million rules, they don't get to and that's why they block stirrings.Great Point. Where as releasing is a totally different story even though not connected quite tricky. Was releasing killing? Well I kind of went against that because I think because they say they are sent to a room to get released they are taken care of there for a while and then died naturally. Some people also brought up a question to why Roberto (the man who was released) was happy? I thought that maybe because he wasn't taught that releasing was bad and also because children aren't allowed in the releasing room, maybe he was said that it was a good thing where they set you free and they celebrate your life before you step into "the room". Quite a few agreed to the fact that they were killed right away, strong point but I still stick to my thinking even though I'm sure it'll change as we read the book.
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