Thursday, November 6, 2008

What I think about the book "CALL IT COURAGE"

When I first started reading Call It Courage, it did not click me like some other books do. The first two chapters had interesting facts about Polynesians and then the story started. As I read through chapter 2 and 3 my understanding grew, and as I finished chapter 4 it grew deeper into me and my perspective changed, even though my favorite genre is Mystery/ Science Fiction this new sort was now one of my selections. The 5th chapter was the one I liked the most and which ended the story on a very good note. As we did the activities based on the book it definitely gave me more understanding. Overall, I liked the book even though I didn’t like before.

1 comment:

Althea D. said...

I agree. Although, I'm wondering what "COUTAGE" is...