Monday, January 19, 2009

"Evolution from One world to another"

The title of this blog is the heading I chose for this activity, because of what I thought was the main cause of this activity. This activity was mainly about analyzing a movie/ slideshow, we had to watch the movie and write down our thoughts in three categories SEE-THINK-WONDER. The activity basically was about reading maps. This activity gave us a chance to express our selves because we had the freedom to write anything we want especially in the “See” column. Mr. McQueen told us to be as specific as possible even write the colors we see on the slideshow/ movie. My partner Anissa and I focused mainly on the evolution of Mesopotamia to what it is now. I think this activity was basically telling us to read the maps and make out the difference between the maps over time. Overall, this activity was easy but really interesting to see what people saw, thought and wondered about the movie!!!

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